Cold brew has brought a revolution in drinking a beverage and especially in coffee drinking. All cold brew enthusiasts are curious about the various sides of cold brew coffee. Among them, cold brew coffee makers are significant points of interest. Today’s presentation is based on a guide that describes how does a cold brew coffee maker work.
In major cases, cold brew coffee makers are with three major parts – lid, filter chamber and cold brew concentrate container chamber (jar). The filter chamber takes coffee grounds and the water in it. This chamber soaks the coffee ground and lets them go to the main concentrate-taking chamber. The main chamber keeps the cold brew till it is served.
In our present piece of the discussion, we will discuss all cold brew makers’ functionality and usage. You will learn something for a better cold brew experience.
How does a cold brew coffee maker work part by part
There are several components of a cold brew maker which play different vital roles in making cold brew. They are –
- The upper lid
- Filter section
- Concentrate bearing chamber
Working process of components of a cold brew maker
Here are to roles of every individual part of a cold brew maker.

The upper lid
Cold brew maker’s upper lid is the main entrance. It allows the filter, coffee grounds and water to come inside the main jar-like chamber. It also protects all unwanted objects to go inner part. Moreover, to ensure the safety of entered things or empty jars, the lid possesses a security system with a lock or screwing system.
No other cold brew maker without a French press relates to the following section. It contains an upper lid and plunger together. Here the upper lid performs all the same jobs we mentioned above. The plunger acts to separate the coffee ground and extracts liquid.
After the extraction duration, the plunger needs to be pressed. When the force drives the plunger to go downwards, water comes upwards and overnight/day-soaked ground goes down just below the plunger.
Filter section
All cold brew makers exist with a filter part without a French press maker. Just after opening the upper lid, you will see the filter section. In some cold brew makers’ models, the filter section is a totally removable part and sits just after the lid. This filter is generally made with mesh and plastic. This filter generally is shaped like a taller conic cylinder.
Generally, this filter becomes so tall that it covers almost ¼ of the main chamber. This filter is long because the coffee ground-containing portion must be in touch with water during the whole steeping duration. Cold brew will not be as great as we expect if the filter becomes short and leaves the water after soaking coffee grounds.
A few models of cold brew makers also have a filter section with a smart switch/button. You can release the extracted cold brew concentrate in the main jar-like chamber by pressing the button. However, this part is totally detachable from the lower jar.
French press cold brew maker does not have a filter separately. Its plunger’s lower part works like a filter.
Concentrate bearing chamber
With a difference in shapes and lid, this part is almost the same as all brands’ devices. For some makers, this part takes coffee ground-soaked water instantly. On the other hand, some cold brew maker takes the liquid after the steeping duration when the liquid stays in the concentrated state.
Sometimes this part becomes the largest part of the maker. Because this part has to take the filter with soaked cold brew.
The main chamber puts the filter and coffee grounds together and allows them 12-24 hours to complete the steeping process.
French press cold brew maker does not contain more than one section. The plunger performs the role of a separate chamber and filter.
Remember, there are many cold brew makers in the market from various brands. Almost all brands produce the makers with little or more variation. We have covered the most common parts of their functionality and some notable things about different cold brew maker models and brands.
Lifespan extending tips for a cold brew coffee maker
- Separate the lid with care without a hurry.
- Don’t overflow your cold brew filter or main chamber (jar).
- Don’t put excessive pressure on the plunger (if you have a French press cold brew maker).
- Pour the concentrate carefully, and don’t collide with the glass or jar.
- After consuming cold brew, clean all the parts carefully, especially the filter.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you use a cold brew coffee maker?
First, clean the coffee maker. Then get the coffee grounds in the cold brew maker’s filter by opening the top lid. Now, pour water and gently stir the ground in the filter with a spoon. Ensure all the coffee ground in the filter is soaked and touching the water level of the jar filter.
Now tighten the lid and keep the maker idle (keeping the maker in a refrigerator is better). After completing the 12 – 24 hours of steeping duration, your cold brew is ready to enjoy.
Do you need special coffee for a cold brew maker?
Yes, you need a particular sort of coffee beans and grounds for a cold brew coffee maker. You need coffee ground of coarse size and the ground is made from dark roasted beans. You need to fulfill these two things for maximum taste, flavor, and a pleasant aroma.
Though you can make cold brew with any other beans and grounds, you will miss the specialty of cold brew. We suggest you to taste several ground types and then select a suitable one.
Can you use regular coffee in a cold brew coffee maker?
Yes, you can make cold brew with the regular coffee ground. This will create a bitter-tasty cold brew instead of a smooth and tasty one. Since coarsely ground is the most effective ground for cold brew, the regular coffee ground will bring a different taste.
Coarse grounds take a long extraction duration to make cold brew and it’s normal. Vice-versa, if you put regular coffee (fine ground) for cold brew, longer extraction makes it bitter. Considering all, we advise you to use coarse grounds always for cold brew. In case of unavailability of cold brew, you can use the medium fine ground at least.
Is cold brew stronger than coffee?
Cold brew is more robust than all other coffee types. There are a few reasons behind it. Firstly, cold brew always takes more coffee ground than different coffee sorts. Hence, these more grounds make cold brew stronger than other coffee.
Moreover, cold brew coffee takes the highest time of 12 – 24 hours for the extraction period. This huge extraction period separates all the qualities from coarse coffee grounds. Thus, we get the stronger version of cold brew coffee.
Long extraction duration and higher amounts of coffee ground emit more caffeine but low acid. In this way, cold brew coffee remains less acidic and stronger as well as delicious.
A cold brew maker does not have many mechanisms or complex working processes. Whatever they have, for better understanding we’ve provided a comprehensive discussion about them. We hope this will enrich your knowledge and help to get a better cold brew experience.
We wish you an excellent cold brew journey with a new exploration of cold brew aspects.